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Datagov Opendata Platform

Provide local drainage water level warning data. Area drainage water level warning JSON data: (1) In order to show the station name elastically, the server-side Web program maintains the correspondence of the station code, watershed number, the name of the drainage in which it is located, and the name of the water level station. (2) The cloud Web server provides external service URLs: number, basin number1580 (Bazhangxi watershed), 1590 (Jishuixi watershed), 1600 (Jiangjunxi watershed), 1630 (Zengwenxi watershed), 1650 (Yanshuixi watershed), 1660 (Errenxi watershed) (3) The provided JSON data field name content is: basin_no (watershed code), st_no (area drainage water level station code), st_name (area drainage water level station name), river (the name of the drainage location), info (water level value), alert_level (which level of warning), warn_info (warning information), date (data time), change (rise rate), lat (latitude), lon (longitude)

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