Financial Institutions' Profit and Loss Overview_NEW
Financial institution profit and loss overview, including domestic banks, foreign banks' branches in Taiwan, Mainland China banks' branches in Taiwan, credit cooperatives, bill finance companies, trust investment companies, agricultural and fisheries credit departments, and statistical postal savings and remittance business of Chunghwa Post.
Data fields
In the year and month the domestic banks' revenue was NT billion the domestic banks' expenses were NT billion the domestic banks' pre-tax earnings were NT billion the foreign banks' branch revenue in Taiwan was NT billion the foreign banks' branch expenses in Taiwan were NT billion the foreign banks' branch pre-tax earnings in Taiwan were NT billion YYMM1 the mainland banks' branch revenue in Taiwan was NT billion the mainland banks' branch expenses in Taiwan were NT billion the mainland banks' branch pre-tax earnings in Taiwan were NT billion cooperative credit associations' revenue was NT billion cooperative credit associations' expenses were NT billion cooperative credit associations' pre-tax earnings were NT billion bill finance companies' operating income was NT billion bill finance companies' operating expenses were NT billion bill finance companies' pre-tax earnings were NT billion trust and investment companies' pre-tax earnings were NT billion agricultural and fisheries credit department's pre-tax earnings were NT billion Chunghwa Post's postal remittance business pre-tax earnings were NT billion YYMM2 announcement date.
Contact person
盧小姐 (0289689909)
Update frequency
Every January
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-12-16 11:39
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Financial Institution Profit and Loss OverviewGovernment statistics
Authorization instructions URL: documentation URL for OAS standard:
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