The number of juvenile crime suspects in Kaohsiung City
Number of Juvenile Suspects in Criminal Cases
Data fields
This is the English translation of the text you provided:"By year the number of female juvenile criminal suspects the number of male juvenile criminal suspects the number of theft criminal suspects among juvenile criminal suspects the number of theft criminal suspects among female juvenile criminal suspects the number of gambling criminal suspects among male juvenile criminal suspects the number of gambling criminal suspects among juvenile criminal suspects the number of drug criminal suspects among female juvenile criminal suspects the number of drug criminal suspects among male juvenile criminal suspects the number of fraud and breach of trust criminal suspects among juvenile criminal suspects the number of fraud and breach of trust criminal suspects among female juvenile criminal suspects the number of public danger criminal suspects among male juvenile criminal suspects the number of public danger criminal suspects among juvenile criminal suspects the number of offense against public decency criminal suspects among female juvenile criminal suspects the number of offense against public decency criminal suspects among male juvenile criminal suspects the number of offenses against marriage and family criminal suspects among juvenile criminal suspects the number of offenses against marriage and family criminal suspects among female juvenile criminal suspects the number of violent crime criminal suspects among male juvenile criminal suspects the number of violent crime criminal suspects among juvenile criminal suspects the number of intentional homicide criminal suspects among female juvenile criminal suspects the number of intentional homicide criminal suspects among male juvenile criminal suspects the number of forcible sexual intercourse criminal suspects among juvenile criminal suspects the number of forcible sexual intercourse criminal suspects among female juvenile criminal suspects the number of major extortion criminal suspects among male juvenile criminal suspects the number of major extortion criminal suspects among juvenile criminal suspects the number of kidnapping for ransom criminal suspects among female juvenile criminal suspects the number of kidnapping for ransom criminal suspects among male juvenile criminal suspects the number of robbery criminal suspects among juvenile criminal suspects the number of robbery criminal suspects among female juvenile criminal suspects the number of theft criminal suspects among male juvenile criminal suspects the number of theft criminal suspects among juvenile criminal suspects and the number of significant injury criminal suspects among female juvenile criminal suspects the number of significant injury criminal suspects among male juvenile criminal suspects."
Contact person
謝先生 (3368333#3608)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2025-03-13 18:03
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives