Fiscal Year 2015 Taichung City Local General Final Account Subsidiary Unit Final Account and Comprehensive Statement - Operating Fund - Balance Sheet (By Account Category)
Financial Statements of Taichung City for the Fiscal Year 2015 - Income Fund - Statement of Comprehensive Income and Balance Sheet (Itemized by Account)
Data fields
Subject current year's financial statement amount current year's financial statement percentage previous year's financial statement amount previous year's financial statement percentage comparison increase/decrease amount comparison increase/decrease percentage
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Contact person
劉靜宜 (04-22289111#19220)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
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System programming interface
Updated time
2024-07-22 10:21
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Dataset Category
Data archives
Financial statementsFund settlementbudget and actuals
The Taichung City Government OAS standard API documentation:, the Swagger-generated API documentation page link:
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- The Taichung City Local General Final Accounts and Consolidated Statement of Affiliated Units for the Fiscal Year 2017 - Operating Fund - Statement of Comprehensive Income (Classified by Fund)
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