Cash card important business and financial information disclosure
Financial institutions issue cash cards, loan limits, overdue loan ratios, bad debts, and other data.
Data fields
Contact person
彭先生 (02-89689879)
Update frequency
Every January
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-11-07 15:34
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Financial Supervisory Commission Bank BureauCash Card.
1. Data source: Self-reporting by financial institutions.2. Disclosure item determination standard: 1. Number of credit cards with utilized credit limit: Refers to the number of cards with "utilized balance as of the end of the month". 2. Number of credit cards with unused credit limit: Refers to the number of cards with "unused balance as of the end of the month". 3. Total amount of loan contract limit: The total amount of cash card contract limits granted to all cardholders as of the end of the month, in New Taiwan Dollars (NTD) thousands. 4. Total amount of usable loan limit: The total amount of usable cash card loan limits granted to all cardholders as of the end of the month, in NTD thousands. 5. Loan balance (including collection loans): The total amount of cash card used balance (including collection loans) granted to all cardholders as of the end of the month, in NTD thousands. 6. Overdue loan ratio: Ratio of overdue loans as of the end of the month to the loan balance (including collection loans) (The criteria for identifying overdue loans should be reported in accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Finance No. 0928011826 of January 6, 2004). 7. Reserve for bad debts already provided: The total balance of bad debts provided for the cash card business as of the end of the month, in NTD thousands. 8. Amount of bad debts written off in the month: The amount of bad debts written off in the month, in NTD thousands. 9. Accumulated amount of bad debts written off in the current year: The accumulated amount of bad debts written off in the current year as of the end of the month, in NTD thousands.3. End of the month refers to the end of the previous month at the time of reporting.Unit: New Taiwan Dollar thousandsReference date: February 107 (month of data)Authorization explanation URL:
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