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Datagov Opendata Platform

This document is the reference point for mobile communication in the forestry bureau's mountainous areas. Communication quality can be affected by the terrain, climate, and power supply in the mountains, please use it as a reference. The provided data fields include: serial number, trail name, marked location (description of sign location), county/city, TWD97_X (TWD97/121 grid coordinate system X coordinate), TWD97_Y (TWD97/121 grid coordinate system Y coordinate), east longitude (WGS84 coordinate system X coordinate), north latitude (WGS84 coordinate system Y coordinate), Chunghwa Telecom (Chunghwa Telecom communication), Far EasTone Telecom (Far EasTone Telecom communication), Taiwan Mobile (Taiwan Mobile communication), Taiwan Star (Taiwan Star communication), Asia Pacific Telecom (Asia Pacific Telecom communication).

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