The 109 Annual National Budget - Personnel Schedule
Provide the 109-year central government general budget related personnel table-central government cumulative surplus analysis table, various government net revenue and expenditure comparison table, various government net revenue and expenditure summary table, detailed table of future accounting year expenditures that may be caused by guarantees or contracts, budget analysis table by fund type, agency total staff and official staff aggregate table, historical summary table of central government revenue and expenditure, historical ratio of various levels of government net expenditure to gross domestic product, historical summary table of various levels of government net revenue and expenditure, summary table of subsidies to local governments.
Data fields
Summary surplus_amount_total description surplus_amount_subtotal item current_year_budget_amount last_year_budget_amount comparison central_government_amount central_government_percentage each_municipal_government_amount each_municipal_government_percentage each_county_government_amount each_county_government_percentage total_amount total_percentage agency_name related_agency occurrence_condition amount remarks fund_type current_year_budget_amount_income current_year_budget_amount_expenditure last_year_budget_amount_income last_year_budget_amount_expenditure comparison_current_year_last_year_income comparison_current_year_last_year_expenditure name subsidies_to_municipal_governments subsidies_to_county_governments_in_taiwan_province subsidies_to_kinmen_and_l...
Contact person
楊小姐 (0233567335)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2023-09-25 17:25
Government budget
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Government budget
Related datasets
- The central government's general budget for the 2009 fiscal year statutory budget subsidiary unit budget summary table (debt service fund)
- The central government's general budget for the 99th fiscal year's statutory budget attached unit budget summary (special revenue fund)
- Budget System Authorization and Flexibility Review
- Southern Science Park Management Unit Budget
- Central Taiwan Science Park Administration Unit Budget Budget Form (Budget Case)
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