Wholesale, retail, accommodation and food service enterprises' annual income- categorized by detailed industry.
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Contact person
蔡先生 (02-23803577)
Update frequency
Every 5 years
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-08-20 09:41
Government statistics
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Enterprise unitIndustrial and Service CensusGovernment statistics
1. Unit: thousand dollars, %2. License details link: https://data.gov.tw/license3. An enterprise unit refers to a business unit formed by one or more locations combined, and can independently determine its business policies and be responsible for profits and losses.4. Because street vendors are not within the scope of the industrial and service census, "food industry" only checks "restaurants," and "beverage industry" only checks "drink shops."
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