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Datagov Opendata Platform

Area, village number, existing house number, village number household registration, number of neighbors, existing house number of neighbors, household number, gender, population, total number of immigrants, immigrants from abroad, immigrants from other provinces and cities in New Taipei City, immigrants from other provinces and cities in Taipei City, immigrants from other provinces and cities in Taoyuan City, immigrants from other provinces and cities in Taichung City, immigrants from other provinces and cities in Tainan City, immigrants from other provinces and cities in Kaohsiung City, immigrants from other provinces and cities in Taiwan Province, immigrants from other provinces and cities in Fujian Province, immigrants from other provinces and cities in other provinces and cities, immigrants from other counties or cities in this province, immigrants from other counties, towns, or districts in this county or city, initial household registration, others, total number of emigrants, emigrants to foreign countries, emigrants to other provinces and cities in New Taipei City, emigrants to other provinces and cities in Taipei City, emigrants to other provinces and cities in Taoyuan City, emigrants to other provinces and cities in Taichung City, emigrants to other provinces and cities in Tainan City, emigrants to other provinces and cities in Kaohsiung City, emigrants to other provinces and cities in Taiwan Province, emigrants to other provinces and cities in Fujian Province, emigrants to other provinces and cities in other provinces and cities, emigrants to other counties or cities in this province, emigrants to other counties, towns, or districts in this county or city, cancellation of household registration, others, number of address changes in, number of address changes out, increase in the number of administrative area adjustments, decrease in the number of administrative area adjustments, total number of births, total number of births within marriage, total number of births out of wedlock already claimed, total number of births out of wedlock unclaimed, total number of unattended children, birth mother originally from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, birth mother originally from foreign countries, birth father originally from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, birth father originally from foreign countries, posthumous child, twins, triplets or more, number of deaths, number of adoptions, number of adoptions terminated, number of guardians, number of assistants, number of minors bearing the responsibilities of rights and obligations, number of marriages, number of divorces.

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