Keelung City 108 Year Deed Tax Assessment Q2
Concentrated list of metadata in the government's data open platform dataset
Data fields
Year and month item number of properties determined this quarter (total) number of properties determined this quarter (taxable) number of properties determined this quarter (tax-exempt) total contract value determined this quarter contract value determined this quarter (taxable) contract value determined this quarter (tax-exempt) total tax determined this quarter tax determined this quarter (taxable) tax determined this quarter (tax-exempt) cumulative number of properties determined as of the end of this quarter (total) cumulative number of properties determined as of the end of this quarter (taxable) cumulative number of properties determined as of the end of this quarter (tax-exempt) cumulative contract value determined as of the end of this quarter (total) cumulative contract value determined as of the end of this quarter (taxable) cumulative contract value determined as of the end of this quarter (tax-exempt) cumulative tax determined as of the end of this quarter (total) cumulative tax determined as of the end of this quarter (taxable) cumulative tax determined as of the end of this quarter (tax-exempt)
Contact person
郭小姐 (02-24331888#321)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2023-08-04 10:49
Government statistics
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Government statistics
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