Central Government General Budget for the fiscal year 2015- attached unit budget summary (non-operating section) - Capital Plan Fund
The comprehensive budget summary of the subordinate units of the 104 national budget of the central government (non-operating part), capital plan funds (fund source usage and surplus table, cash flow statement).
Data fields
Contact person
謝先生 (0233457428;0233567428)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-10-01 18:21
Government budget
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Central governmentOverall budget.Summary tableNot for businessAffiliated unit budgetCapital Project FundGovernment budget
Authorization URL: http://data.gov.tw/license
Related datasets
- The attached budget summary of the central government's total budget for the fiscal year 102 (capital project fund).
- Central government general budget for the fiscal year 96, statutory budget sub-unit budget summary table (capital project fund)
- The central government's general budget for the fiscal year 2015, budget summary for attached units (non-operating section) - operational fund.
- Central Government General Budget Attached Units Budget Summary for the Fiscal Year 2015 (Non-operating Section) - Debt Fund
- The budget and summary table of the attached units' budgets for the fiscal year 106 of the central government (non-operating section) - capital project fund.
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