Burning buildings - by area
Burning Buildings - According to Regions * (Data from: January 86)Number of Building Fires, Building Height, Building Category, Building Use, Organization Type, Statistical Period
Data fields
Burning building、Total number of building fires、Five layers or less、Six to ten layers、Eleven to twenty floors、21st to 30th floor、31st floor or higher、Detached house、集合住宅 translates to "apartment complex" in English.、Office building、Commercial building、Composite architecture、Warehouse、Factory、Temple、Other、Residence、Place of business、Workplace、Warehouse、Vacant or under construction、Public facilities、Other
Contact person
林詩惟小姐 (02-23565361)
Update frequency
Every January
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-30 16:22
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
After 110 years, please use the following URL:https://statis.moi.gov.tw/micst/webMain.aspx?sys220&kind21&type1&funidc0720206&cycle1&outmode12&utf1&compmode0&outkind3&fldspc0,1,2,5,8,9,18,7,&codspc00,40,&rdmilZ4UaeA&ym11101&ymt11102Before 109 years, please use the following URL:https://statis.moi.gov.tw/micst/stmain.jsp?sys220&kind21&type1&funidc0720208&cycle1&outmode12&utf1&compmode0&outkind3&fldspc0,1,2,4,7,9,17,7,&codspc00,40,&rdmlareyhjd&ym8601&ymt10912Explanation:ymStarting year and month of demand data, ymtEnding year and month of demand data. Start time: 8601 (86 represents the year of the Republic of China 86, 00 represents the month, the parameter 00 represents the query of data for the entire year, 01 represents January, and so on). End date of demand data: 10704 (107 represents the year of the Republic of China, 04 represents the month. The general data collection end date is two months before the query date).
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