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Datagov Opendata Platform

Results of enforcement of anti-smoking laws in Taipei CitySource: Health Management Division of this Bureau.Filling Instructions: Three copies of this form shall be made. One copy shall be sent to the main Accounting Department of this government, one copy to the Statistics Office of this Bureau, and one copy shall be retained.Administrative district, total, automatic vending, postal purchase, electronic shopping, or other means of purchase that cannot identify the age of the consumer, open shelves or other means of direct access to consumers without age identification, packaging with less than 20 pieces per unit and net weight of the contents less than 15 grams, texts and marks added to tobacco product containers, the maximum outer surface of tobacco product containers must display health warning graphics and text related to quitting smoking, disclosure of nicotine and tar content, nicotine and tar content cannot exceed the maximum limit, promotion of tobacco products or tobacco advertisements, labeling and display of places selling tobacco products, selling tobacco products for free, smokers under the age of 18, supplying tobacco products to those under the age of 18, coercing or inducing pregnant women to smoke, prohibiting the manufacture, import, and sale of items in the shape of tobacco products, smoking is prohibited in all smoke-free places, prominent no-smoking signs at all entrances with no smoking-related equipment supplied, all indoor places without designated smoking areas are smoke-free, prominent no-smoking signs at all entrances and other appropriate locations, or signs indicating the prohibition of smoking other than in designated smoking areas, with no smoking-related equipment supplied outside of the designated smoking areas, requirements for labeling and setting up smoking areas, bars, karaoke places starting business after 9 p.m. with entry restricted to those aged 18 and above, as well as other places and transportation means designated and announced by supervisory authorities at all levels, and others.

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