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Datagov Opendata Platform

Provide Tainan City Government Procurement Announcement DataAPI Description:Without any parameters, the default is to retrieve the first 50 pieces of data within 7 days of the publication time.Parameter example: Taking the construction procurement tender as an examplehttps://www.tainan.gov.tw/API/v3/Rest/News/114B66117B4BF117?Column_2&Column_3&take10&skip10&sdate2019-01-01&edate2019-01-10Parameter description:Column_2 (Description: Title, Example: Any character)Column_3 (Description: Content, Example: Any character)take (Description: Take the first few records (up to 50), Example: 10)skip (Description: Skip the first few records, Example: 10)sdate (Description: Publication date (start), Example: 2019-01-01)edate (Description: Publication date (end), Example: 2019-01-10)

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