List of contracted medical institutions for the pneumococcal vaccine for the elderly in Taichung City in the years 2018-2021
1. The list of contracted medical institutions for the 107-110 Taichung elderly pneumococcal vaccine program2. Specify the conditions for the application of contracts for each medical institution3. Indicate the area, address, and phone number of each medical institution for easy reference4. The list of contracted medical institutions may still change and will be updated irregularly
Data fields
Area、 name of medical institution、 contract item for elderly over 75 years old、 contract item for citizens over 60 years old and indigenous peoples of Taichung aged 55-59、 address、 phone number
Resources download link
Contact person
陳冠宇 ((04)25265394分機3583)
Update frequency
Every 1 year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-17 16:27
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Taichung City Government OAS standard API documentation:, Swagger generates API documentation page URL.
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