Subsidiary unit final account operation fund balance appropriation comprehensive statement_ by fund category breakdown
Provide subsidiary unit closing operation fund surplus allocation recovery summary table_by fund category
Data fields
Item 1 Item 2 Total amount Total percentage Taoyuan City Medical Operation Fund amount Taoyuan City Medical Operation Fund percentage Taoyuan City Land Replotting Fund amount Taoyuan City Land Replotting Fund percentage Taoyuan City Implementation of Average Land Right Fund amount Taoyuan City Implementation of Average Land Right Fund percentage Taoyuan City Urban Development Fund amount Taoyuan City Urban Development Fund percentage Taoyuan City Housing Fund amount Taoyuan City Housing Fund percentage Fund for Teachers' Residential and Emergency Loans amount Fund for Teachers' Residential and Emergency Loans percentage Taoyuan City Industrial Park Development Management Fund amount Taoyuan City Industrial Park Development Management Fund percentage Taoyuan City Parking Operation Fund amount Taoyuan City Parking Operation Fund percentage Taoyuan City Rail Construction Development Fund amount Taoyuan City Rail Construction Development Fund percentage
Resources download link
Contact person
邱奕隆 (03-3322101#5565)
Update frequency
Every 1 year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-09 10:14
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Auxiliary unit settlementBureau of StatisticsSubsidiary Unit Final Accounts Operation Fund Surplus Allocation Supplementary Statement_Arranged by Fund Category
The API documentation for the OAS standard of the Taoyuan City Government Open Data Platform can be found at: Swagger-generated API documentation page can be accessed at:
Related datasets
- Consolidated Special Income Fund Cash Flow Statement - Classified by Fund
- Statement of Special Income Fund Balance for Subsidiary Units - Itemized
- Subsidiary unit settlement fund income and expenditure surplus comprehensive statement_by fund type breakdown
- 104 annual affiliated units' special income fund balance sheet_ by fund
- Subsidiary unit settlement operation fund surplus appropriation comprehensive table by appropriation item
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