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Datagov Opendata Platform

The situation of establishing shelter for the weaker generates an XML file adaptForWeaker: suitable for placing weaker shelters, containing: yes/no, address: location address, county: city/county, defaultville: default shelter village, disastertype: disaster type, including: flood/earthquake/landslide/tsunami, isIndoor: indoor location, including: yes/no, isOutdoor: outdoor location, including: yes/no, lat: latitude coordinate, lon: longitude coordinate. name: shelter name. openstatus: opening status, including: open/full/closed, peopleno: expected number of occupants, shelterCode: shelter number, (Note: Temporary shelters with "TM" in the first 2 digits) shelterId: shelter ID, town: township/district, twd97x: 97th degree X coordinate, twd97y: 97th degree Y coordinate, village: village.

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