Hsinchu City Tax Bureau full-service counter under its jurisdiction to issue statistical forms for other agencies.
Provide the statistical table for the full-service counter of the Hsinchu City Tax Bureau for the years 105-111, handled by our jurisdiction for other government agencies.
Data fields
Service items、 number of tax refund inquiries、 number of land value tax historical data inquiries、 number of land announcement current value inquiries、 number of transfer tax agreement inquiries、 number of transfer tax non-agreement inquiries、 number of multiple queries for land value tax enjoyed by self-use land tax rate、 number of reissued current payment vouchers for license tax、 number of reissued current payment vouchers for property tax、 number of reissued current payment vouchers for land value tax、 number of reissued current payment vouchers for entertainment tax、 number of reissued current payment vouchers for stamp duty、 national number of local tax inquiries and reissued payment vouchers、 property tax details statement number、 multiple queries number for property tax details statements、 land value tax details statement number、 multiple queries number for land value tax details statements、 number of payment certificates for license tax、 number of payment certificates for property tax、 multiple queries number for property tax payment certificates、 number of payment certificates for land value tax、 multiple queries number for land value tax payment certificates、 number of payment certificates for entertainment tax、 number of payment certificates for engineering benefits fee、 number of payment certificates for deed tax、 number of payment certificates for land value increment tax、 number of transfer tax payment certificates for license tax、 number of transfer tax payment certificates for property tax、 number of transfer tax payment certificates for land value tax、 number of current property tax registration certificates、 multiple queries number for current property tax registration certificates、 number of deed certificates、 automatic estimate of deed tax certificate for property current value in all counties and cities nationwide、 total number.
Resources download link
Contact person
邱鐘嫺| (03-5225161#204)
Update frequency
Every year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2025-01-21 14:06
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
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