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Dynamic data statistics table (added same-sex marriage statistics from September 2019)statistic_yyymm (statistical year and month), district_code (area code), site_id (area name), village (village name), neighbor_no2 (number of neighbors_registered by household), household_no (number of households), people_total (total population), people_total_m (male population), people_total_f (female population), birth_total (total births), birth_total_m (total births_male), birth_total_f (total births_female), birth_legal_m (legal births_male), birth_legal_f (legal births_female), birth_illegal_recognized_m (illegitimate recognized births_male), birth_illegal_recognized_f (illegitimate recognized births_female), birth_illegal_unrecognized_m (illegitimate unrecognized births_male), birth_illegal_unrecognized_f (illegitimate unrecognized births_female), helpless_child_m (helpless children_male), helpless_child_f (helpless children_female), mother_mainland_m (birth mother's original nationality (region)_mainland Hong Kong Macau_male), mother_mainland_f (birth mother's original nationality (region)_mainland Hong Kong Macau_female), mother_foreigner_m (birth mother's original nationality (region)_foreign nationality_male), mother_foreigner_f (birth mother's original nationality (region)_foreign nationality_female), father_mainland_m (birth father's original nationality (region)_mainland Hong Kong Macau_male), father_mainland_f (birth father's original nationality (region)_mainland Hong Kong Macau_female), father_foreigner_m (birth father's original nationality (region)_foreign nationality_male), father_foreigner_f (birth father's original nationality (region)_foreign nationality_female), posthumous_child_m (posthumous children_male), posthumous_child_f (posthumous children_female), twinborn_child_m (twin born children_male), twinborn_child_f (twin born children_female), multi_child_m (triplets or more_male), multi_child_f (triplets or more_female), death_m (number of deaths_male), death_f (number of deaths_female), claimed_m (number of claims_male), claimed_f (number of claims_female), adpot_m (number of adoptions_male), adpot_f (number of adoptions_female), stop_adpot_m (number of terminated adoptions_male), stop_adpot_f (number of terminated adoptions_female), guardianship_m (number of guardians_male), guardianship_f (number of guardians_female), aid_m (number of assistants_male), aid_f (number of assistants_female), minorchildren_m (number of minors' rights and obligations male), minorchildren_f (number of minors' rights and obligations female), marry_pair_OppositeSex (number of marriages_opposite sex), marry_pair_SameSex (number of marriages_same sex), marry_pair_SameSex_m (number of marriages_same sex_male), marry_pair_SameSex_f (number of marriages_same sex_female), divorce_pair_OppositeSex (number of divorces_opposite sex), divorce_pair_SameSex (number of divorces_same sex), divorce_pair_SameSex_m (number of divorces_same sex_male), divorce_pair_SameSex_f (number of divorces_same sex_female)

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