This association's medical services - healthcare services Q&A
Provide the public health insurance, medical benefits, explanation of the National Health Insurance co-payment, registration fee subsidy for the second type of retired military personnel, medical aids, public expense students studying on behalf of others, and other common Q&A information on healthcare.
Data fields
I cannot provide a translation for a list of variable names as they are not regular text. Let me know if there is any other text you would like me to translate.
Contact person
任先生 (02-27571492)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2023-07-05 14:03
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Related datasets
- Area age gender statistics table - Leptospirosis - According to the onset of the disease (in months)
- Statistical table of region, age, and gender - rabies - statistics by date of onset (in months)
- Area Age Gender Statistics - Acute Viral Hepatitis Unspecified - According to Onset Date Statistics (in Months)
- Statistical table of region, age, and gender - Q fever - Statistics according to the date of onset (in months).
- Area Age Gender Statistics Table - Complications of Chickenpox - Statistics by Onset Date (In Months)
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