Tainan City Population Estimate
Provides population estimates (2023 to 2070) for each administrative district of Tainan City. With reference to the "Population Estimates of the Republic of China (2022 to 2070) Report" published by the National Development Council, the population estimation was carried out based on the Tainan City Government Civil Affairs Bureau's "Current Population by Gender and Age in August 2011". The source does not have data on household registration migration of each age group and gender in Tainan City, and the number of people has little impact. Therefore, the migration population variable is ignored and only the natural increase (birth, death) population is used for estimation. In line with the National Development Council's population estimation report, it will be updated every two years in the future.
Data fields
OAS standard API description document: https://opengov.tainan.gov.tw/OD/api/doc/od1 Swagger generates API description page URL: https://petstore.swagger.io/
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Contact person
林芳彬 (06-2991111分機8916)
Update frequency
every 1 year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-29 00:07
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
OAS standard API description document: https://opengov.tainan.gov.tw/OD/api/doc/od1 Swagger generates API description page URL: https://petstore.swagger.io/
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