Deal with illegal foreign population - classified by nationality and category
Dealing with illegal foreign workers - by nationality and category (starting date: January 86)
Data fields
Handle illegal immigrants、Overall、Simply overdue、Overstaying residence、Overdue stay、The fact of illegal behavior、Residence、Residence, excluding foreign workers.、Overdue、Not overdue、Legal introduction of foreign labor、Overdue - whereabouts unknown、Overdue_Missing、Not overdue、Stay、Overdue、Not overdue、Missing crew member、Illegal immigration、Possession of fake, altered, or forged passports, visas, and entry-exit permits upon entry.、Illegal use of passport visa entry and exit permit entry、Illegal immigration、Not entered the country.
Contact person
林詩惟小姐 (02-23565361)
Update frequency
Every January
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-30 16:21
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
The website you provided contains the following parameters for querying statistical data: starting year and month (ym) and ending year and month (ymt). The starting year and month is 8600 (86 refers to the year 86 of the Republic of China, and 00 refers to the month. The parameter 00 indicates a query for data for the entire year, while 01 represents January, and so on). The ending year and month is 10607 (106 refers to the year of the Republic of China, and 07 refers to the month. Typically, the data coverage ends two months before the query date).
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