Canceled ordinary passport of Chinese nationals
List of canceled ordinary passport numbers of Chinese citizens within the validity period
Data fields
Contact person
黃先生 (02-23432877)
Update frequency
Updated from time to time
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-07-15 15:03
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Dataset Category
Data archives
1. The "cancelled passport" referred to in this platform refers to an ordinary passport issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A passport that has been canceled in accordance with the Passport Regulations and the Administrative Procedure Act while the passport is still valid (if the passport has been altered, used fraudulently or issued under false pretenses) and other illegal circumstances, or if the license holder is prohibited from leaving the country according to law, or has changed status to a citizen of the mainland area, lost Chinese nationality, etc.; and the passport has been declared lost or applied for replacement or reissue). 2. Passport number with no data found on this platform: Possible situations include that the passport has not been issued, the passport has expired, the passport is still valid but has not been canceled, the passport is being canceled in accordance with the law but has not been uploaded to this platform, etc.