Taichung City rainfall flooding potential map and simulation map
The possible water accumulation range and possible water accumulation depth in this city under short-term heavy rainfall conditions. This map is based on numerical simulation calculations using objective hydraulic models based on design rainfall conditions and topographic data of a specific year. Since the spatial distribution of actual rainfall is extremely uneven due to topographic effects and atmospheric conditions at that time, and the meteorological and hydrological conditions are uncertain, this map cannot simulate the actual flooding conditions of a single typhoon flood event in the future. It should be used as a reference. Pay special attention to this situation. In addition, in accordance with the Ministry of Economic Affairs' "Measures for the Disclosure of Flood Potential Data" and the Water Resources Department's description of the flood potential map on the "Government Information Open Platform", the flood potential map is only used for disaster prevention and relief related operations and is not suitable for land use control or Basis for determination of land use and other related measures.
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Contact person
賴俊龍 (53703)
Update frequency
every 1 year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-24 10:22
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
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