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Datagov Opendata Platform

The information source is the "National Health Survey on Smoking Behavior" of the Health Promotion Administration. The survey uses telephone interviews to collect relevant information on people's smoking habits, and a brief introduction can be found on the Health Promotion Administration's "Tobacco Hazard Prevention Information Website" (http://tobacco.hpa.gov.tw/).The definition of "Secondhand Smoke in Smoke-Free Public Places" is the percentage of people who have smoked in front of others in smoke-free public places as defined by the Tobacco Hazard Prevention Act in the past week. The calculation formula is: the number of respondents aged 18 and above who answered "there were people smoking in front of them in smoke-free public places as defined by the Tobacco Hazard Prevention Act in the past week" / the number of valid completed interviews of respondents aged 18 and above * 100%.

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