Taoyuan City general fertility rate
Provides general fertility rate in Taoyuan City
Data fields
Definition: The general fertility rate is the average number of live births per 1、000 women of childbearing age (women aged 15 to 50) during a specific period. Data source: Department of the Interior: Qianbi Taoyuan City Government Data Open Platform OAS standard API description document: https://data.tycg.gov.tw/v2/api-docs Swagger generated API description page URL: https://data .tycg.gov.tw/opendata/api-docs
Contact person
湛浩偉 (03-3322101#5592)
Update frequency
every 1 year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-31 14:28
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Definition: The general fertility rate is the average number of live births per 1,000 women of childbearing age (women aged 15 to 50) during a specific period. Data source: Department of the Interior: Qianbi Taoyuan City Government Data Open Platform OAS standard API description document: https://data.tycg.gov.tw/v2/api-docs Swagger generated API description page URL: https://data .tycg.gov.tw/opendata/api-docs
Related datasets
- The number of births and the age of birth mothers at birth - by region
- The number of births by nationality of motherby area
- Fertility Rates of Women of Childbearing Age - by Area
- The number of births and the age of the mother at childbirth - by birth order
- The number of births by sex, the mother's original nationality (region), age, and level of education (according to registration)
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