Article 78 of the Retirement and Compensation Law Summary of Public Medical Institutions (Institutions) in Mountainous Areas, Outlying Islands or Remote Areas
Public medical institutions (institutions) in mountainous areas, outlying islands or remote areas provided by the Ministry of Health and Welfare will be posted online for each personnel agency to check whether retirees need to suspend regular retirement benefits due to re-appointment; and for retirees to decide whether to re-appoint as a reference
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Contact person
趙淑燕 (02-82366865)
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Updated from time to time
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-12-05 16:49
Government statistics
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Dataset Category
Data archives
Related datasets
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- The number of government employees retiring from Changhua County Government and its affiliated agencies in the year 2022 is classified by official rank.
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