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Datagov Opendata Platform

Individuals aged 18 and above are self-perceived about their current health conditions_x000D_The self-perceived current health conditions are based on the sample individual's face-to-face interview questionnaire data, limited to the sample individual's own responses. If the sample individual is unable to respond due to severe illness, physical weakness, inability to communicate due to severe mental or intellectual disabilities, the response will be assisted by a proxy. This question is treated as a missing value. _x000D__x000D_Data sources:_x000D_Year 91: "Health Promotion, Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors Survey of the Taiwan Area in 2002" by the National Health Administration of the Executive Yuan. _x000D_Year 94: "1995 National Health Interview Survey and Drug Abuse Survey" jointly planned and conducted by the National Health Administration of the Executive Yuan, Bureau of Controlled Drugs, and National Health Research Institutes. _x000D_Year 98: "1999 National Health Interview Survey and Drug Abuse Survey" jointly planned and conducted by the National Health Administration of the Executive Yuan, Bureau of Food and Drug Administration (formerly Bureau of Controlled Drugs), and National Health Research Institutes. _x000D_Year 102: "2013 National Health Interview Survey" jointly planned and conducted by the National Health Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the National Health Research Institutes. _x000D_Year 106: "2017 National Health Interview Survey" jointly planned and conducted by the National Health Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the National Health Research Institutes.

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