Taoyuan City Children and Youth Placement and Care Institute - End of year current number of residents
Provide the number of children and teenagers in placement and upbringing institutions in Taoyuan City at the end of the year.
Data fields
At the end of the year、 male、 female
Contact person
湛浩偉 (03-3322101#5592)
Update frequency
Every year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2025-02-10 18:02
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Definition: According to the relevant regulations of the Child and Youth Welfare and Rights Protection Act, in cases of major family changes, loss of guardianship, poverty, or the need for protection of children and youth, government departments should assist in providing placement and care services.Source: Taoyuan City Government Social Affairs BureauDepartment: PersonnelTaoyuan City Government Open Data Platform OAS Standard API Documentation: https://data.tycg.gov.tw/v2/api-docsSwagger-generated API documentation page URL: https://data.tycg.gov.tw/opendata/api-docs
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