110 year property tax assessment statistics for Yilan County
This table is compiled based on the information recorded in the real estate tax registration. (Unit: household; square meters; New Taiwan Dollar)
Data fields
According to the tax exemption type、 category、 public and private ownership、 total number of households、 total area、 total present value、 number of steel and reinforced concrete units、 area of steel and reinforced concrete、 present value of steel and reinforced concrete、 number of steel units、 area of steel、 present value of steel、 number of steel and reinforced concrete units、 area of steel and reinforced concrete、 present value of steel and reinforced concrete、 number of reinforced concrete units、 area of reinforced concrete、 present value of reinforced concrete、 number of reinforced brick units、 area of reinforced brick、 present value of reinforced brick、 number of precast concrete units、 area of precast concrete、 present value of precast concrete、 number of stone units、 area of stone、 present value of stone、 steel construction not reached
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Contact person
邱宥菁 (03-9325101#122)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2025-01-09 09:21
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives