Department of Energy_ Annual data for power generation capacity
1. Contents of the information: Present the statistical data of the installed capacity of power generation equipment such as pumped storage hydropower, thermal power (coal, oil, gas), nuclear power, and renewable energy (conventional hydropower, geothermal, solar photovoltaic, wind power, biomass energy, waste) in the power supply of the country, Taiwan Power Company, privately-owned power plants, and self-use power generation equipment in the past 21 years.2. Purpose of collection: As the basis for the planning and management of our country's energy-related policies.3. Collection methods:(1) Present the statistical data on the installed capacity of power generation equipment and self-use power generation equipment as specified in the "Electricity Act".(2) National installed capacity of power generation: Record the total installed capacity of various types of power generation equipment in our country, from the total installed capacity of various types of power generation equipment declared by the power generation industry and self-use power generation equipment.(3) Installed capacity of power generation equipment of Taiwan Power Company: Record the total installed capacity of various types of power generation equipment of Taiwan Power Company, from the total installed capacity of various types of power generation equipment declared by Taiwan Power Company.(4) Installed capacity of power generation equipment of privately-owned power plants: Record the total installed capacity of various types of power generation equipment of the power generation industry (excluding Taiwan Power Company), from the total installed capacity of various types of power generation equipment declared by the power generation industry (excluding Taiwan Power Company).(5) Installed capacity of power generation equipment for self-use power generation equipment: Record the total installed capacity of various types of self-use power generation equipment, from the total installed capacity of various power generation equipment declared by self-use power generation equipment and electricity sales industry (purchased third-type renewable energy generation equipment).
Data fields
Contact person
王小姐 (02-27721370#6131)
Update frequency
Every 1 year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-10-28 12:57
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Government statisticsPower generation capacity
The original data type: OtherLicense description URL:
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