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Datagov Opendata Platform

Tentative name, level name, subject name, total number of candidates, number of male candidates, percentage of male candidates, number of female candidates, percentage of female candidates, total number of candidates who arrived for the exam, number of male candidates who arrived for the exam, percentage of male candidates who arrived for the exam, number of female candidates who arrived for the exam, percentage of female candidates who arrived for the exam, quota required, admission standard, total number of admissions or passers, number of male admissions or passers, percentage of male admissions or passers, number of female admissions or passers, percentage of female admissions or passers, overall attendance rate, male attendance rate percentage, female attendance rate percentage, overall pass rate, male admission or pass rate percentage, female admission or pass rate percentage, total, total male, total female, male doctorate, female doctorate, male master's degree, female master's degree, male bachelor's degree, female bachelor's degree, male associate degree, female associate degree, male below high school/vocational high school, female below high school/vocational high school

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