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Datagov Opendata Platform

Vehicle detector (VD) statistical information every five minutes. You can also download it from the Transportation Data Exchange (TDX) service platform (URL: https://tdx.transportdata.tw/). Chinese column names:Agency code, Sub-agency code, VD device code, Basic road segment code, Lane code, Lane type, Motorcycle flow detection value, Small vehicle flow detection value, Large vehicle flow detection value, Articulated vehicle flow detection value, Average speed detection value, Occupancy detection value, Data collection time, Bidirectional detection or not, Basic road segment orientation, Road direction of the basic road segment, Number of lanes that the device can detect in the direction of the basic road segment, Actual number of lanes in the direction of the basic road segment, VD category, Location type where the device is installed, Traffic flow detection type, Latitude_WGS84 of the device installation location, Longitude_WGS84 of the device installation location, Road code, Road name, Road classification, County name, City or town name

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