112-year-old Tainan City Assistance Overview for Underprivileged Children and Youth
112-Year Tainan City Assistance Data for Children and Adolescents in Vulnerable Situations (Semi-annual Report)
Data fields
Project category、 Identity category、 Number of people as of the present period (cumulative of this year)、 Number of people as of the present period (cumulative of this year、 male)、 Number of people as of the present period (cumulative of this year、 female)、 Number of people as of the end of the period (total)、 Number of people as of the end of the period (male)、 Number of people as of the end of the period (female)、 Number of people in this period、 Amount in this period.
Resources download link
Contact person
廖敍婷 (06-2991111)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-16 16:49
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Related datasets
- The number of births and the age of the mother at childbirth - by birth order
- The number of births and the age of birth mothers at birth - by region
- The number of births by nationality of motherby area
- Fertility Rates of Women of Childbearing Age - by Area
- The number of births by sex, the mother's original nationality (region), age, and level of education (according to registration)
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