Financial Union Credit Information Sharing Center Corporate credit loan new credit amount statistical trend data
The main source of the information is the "Credit Balance Monthly Report Data" submitted by various member institutions to the Credit Information Center. If a business loan has no collateral, it is considered a credit loan business, and the total amount of new credit loans for those businesses in the current month is calculated. It does not include credit accounts that are overdue, in collection, or bad debt.
Data fields
year、月、The number of new credit loans added、The new credit amount for the credit loan [thousand yuan]
Contact person
聞小姐 (02-21910000#3175)
Update frequency
Every March
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-12-09 13:35
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Foundation Financial Credit Information Center website.OPEN DATA area and statistics of the newly added credit amount for corporate credit loans
1. Authorization Explanation URL: API documentation URL for OAS standard:
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