112()The collection of land value tax for the year 112 has ended.
Source of information: Compiled based on land tax collection files. (Unit: New Taiwan Dollar; pieces)
Data fields
Public and private distinctions、The original quantity of the case A、The original amount of assessed tax A、The period of recruitment or the number of delays increased or decreased B、The increase or decrease of the tax amount for the collection or delay period B、The adjusted confirmed quantity C equals A plus or minus B.、The adjusted tax amount C is determined to be A ± B.、The number of claims filed D、Determine the amount of tax、The number of unraised cases E = C-D、The tax due is E = C - D、The call-up rate is the number of calls made divided by the number of clients, expressed as a percentage.、Tax incidence rate F = D/C(%)
Contact person
簡小姐 (02-24331888#622)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-12-16 14:36
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Government data opennessGovernment Open Data PlatformData setOpen DataOpen Government Data
Related datasets
- The overdue deadline for the use of the license tax in the first half of the 112th year completed the collection.
- The net amount of various taxes and dues collected in December of 112th year and the comparison with the budget figures and the same period of the previous year - cumulative amount
- Tax payment statistics for Keelung City from 2019 to 2023
- Stamp duty collected in the first and second quarters of the 113th year
- 112 year land value tax revenue statistics form
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