The Taichung City Government Social Affairs Bureau Announces the Schedule for the Procurement Cases with Budgets Above a Certain Amount for the Year 114.
The Social Affairs Bureau of Taichung City Government will carry out public announcement procurement cases with a budget of above a certain amount for the fiscal year 114. This tentative bidding schedule is not a bidding announcement, and the bidding content is subject to the bidding announcement.
Data fields
Number、Procurement case name、Budget amount、Target attribute、January、February、March、April、May、June、July、August、September、October、November、December、County/City Code、Agency code
Resources download link
Contact person
劉宜佳 (22289111#37904)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-18 11:24
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
The Taichung City Government's OAS standard API documentation:, generates the API documentation page with Swagger at
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