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Datagov Opendata Platform

Taiwan e-Map (Taiwan e-Map) is to provide the necessary basic map data for various national policy initiatives. It is built by the National Land Surveying and Mapping Center of the Ministry of the Interior using aerial photogrammetry in accordance with the Taiwan e-Map surveying and mapping specifications (the current contour lines only display elevations above 200 meters). This is an "open data network map service" that is smaller than the 1:18,000 scale tile (i.e. the 15th level of the tile scale). If you need a file, please refer to the "Taiwan e-Map tile packaging file" or the "Taiwan e-Map MBTiles file (for offline map use with the APP)" dataset. WMTS EPSG: 3857 WMS EPSG: 4326, 3826, 3857 The layer name is EMAP5_OPENDATA.

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