Taiwan and Fujian Region comparison statistical table of automobile cylinder capacity (private, business)
Cylinder displacement, vehicle type (passenger, freight, commercial passenger, commercial freight), number of vehicles, and tax amount.
Data fields
Displacement of the cylinder、Year、Total number、Total tax amount [thousand yuan]、Private Passenger Car-Number、Self-use passenger car _ tax amount [thousand yuan]、Private car number、Private goods vehicle_Tax amount [thousand yuan]、Business bus _ number of items、Business Passenger Car_Tax Amount [Thousand dollars]、Number of business vehicles、Business Vehicle_Tax Amount [Thousand Dollars]
Resources download link
Contact person
黃怡智 (02-27631833#2351)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-10-24 15:37
Government statistics
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Government statistics
Authorization explanation URL: http://data.gov.tw/license Ministry of Finance Financial Information Center Local Tax and Levy Section OAS Standard API Document: https://eip.fia.gov.tw/OAL/v2/api-docs
Related datasets
- Taiwan and Fujian region's comparison statistical table of cylinder capacities for various types of automobiles (large freight, small freight, large passenger, small passenger)
- Taiwan and Fujian region vehicle brand statistics table
- Taiwan and Fujian region automobile owners home statistics table
- Statistics table of engine capacity range for various types of automobiles in the Taiwan and Fujian region (personal, business)
- National Taiwan Library Wireless Network Authentication System
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