Aviation Safety Investigation Commission Unit Budget
Aviation Safety Investigation Commission Annual Unit Budget Statement
Data fields
year、Budget sheet、Download URL
Resources download link
Contact person
劉先生 (02-77276299)
Update frequency
Every year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2022-10-21 11:05
Government budget
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Government budget
Authorization URL: http://data.gov.tw/license, the Aviation Safety Investigation Commission was restructured into the National Transportation Safety Investigation Commission in August 2019.
Related datasets
- Comparison table of budgeted revenue sources for the year 103
- Analysis of secondary usage by department and item for the fiscal year 103
- Fiscal Revenue and Expenditure Summary of the Central Government for Fiscal Year 2014
- The central government's total budget for the fiscal year 2010, statutory budget attached unit budget summary table (capital project fund)
- The General Budget of the Central Government for the Fiscal Year 2010: Aggregate Statement of the Budget for Subsidiary Units (Operating Funds)
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