Health insurance medication usage analysis file
Provide the annual medical expense declaration quantity of the same grouped drugs listed in the National Health Insurance medication coverage and payment standard.
Data fields
Cost per year、Drug classification group name、Quantity of medical order reporting
Contact person
羅小姐 (02-27065866#3027)
Update frequency
Every 1 year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-26 16:48
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Medical deviceHealth insurance medical suppliesMedicationUsage analysis
Data source: National Health Insurance Department, submission and delivery prescription details files.Statistical definition: Calculated based on the reported data from medical institutions, and excluding total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and oral phosphate preparations.Data extraction date: August 112Explanation: The drug prescription reporting data provided by our office is the total of the quantities reported by various contracted medical institutions. Taking the tablet form of medication as an example, the unit of the core price is "granule." For pediatric or infant patients, the dosage given will be adjusted based on body weight when prescribing. Medical institutions then report the quantity used based on the actual clinical needs, so some quantities are decimal values.
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