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Datagov Opendata Platform

This office aims to promote the transformation and upgrading of the information industry, develop cross-industry cooperation opportunities, and establish the Taiwan Digital Signage Multimedia Alliance (DSMA Taiwan) by the Institute for Information Industry. The alliance will combine cross-industry cooperation among Taiwan's information industry companies to innovate in operation and marketing models, making digital signage another bright spot for ICT industry products. Under the guidance of this office, the "Digital Signage International Forum (DS Forum)" is held annually during the Taipei International Computer Show, serving as the grandest forum activity with digital signage as the theme. In line with the government's promotion of open data measures, the Industrial Development Bureau and the Institute for Information Industry are now open to the list of participating exhibitors in the "Digital Signage International Forum", providing annual, event names, Chinese names of participating exhibitors, and English names of participating exhibitors for reference. Welcome to make good use of it.

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