River water level monitoring station status
This dataset mainly describes the basic information of the water level stations belonging to the Water Resources Agency, which helps understand the relevant contents of the water level stations. This includes the basin to which the station belongs, main river, basin to which the station belongs, tributary, sub-tributary, first-level alert water level height, second-level alert water level height, third-level alert water level height, basin number, susceptibility to natural disasters, required journey, whether the station has grid power supply, construction management, the name of the bridge or structure set up, frequency of data collection on-site, whether hydrological data is regularly sent to the hydrological group for consolidation, whether there is a water release point for ecological environment monitoring upstream of the station, water gauge zero point elevation, English station address, English station name, English river name, equipment type, whether it is set up on a river-crossing structure, flood control purposes, whether it is in a high-sediment-content river section, water resources management, hydrological observation purposes, whether the station is prone to lightning strikes, Chinese station address, frequency of on-site patrols or maintenance, reasons for irregular sending of hydrological data to the hydrological group for consolidation, nature of normal observation, observation items, observation reasons, observation status, station number, Chinese station name, and other information.
Data fields
AffiliatedBasin、Affiliated Subsidiary Basin、AffiliatedSubSubsidiaryBasin、AlertLevel1、Alert Level 2、AlertLevel3、AreaCode、Identificador de cuenca、BrittlenessStatus、CarDriveDistanceInHours、CityElectricitySupplyStatus、Construction Management、Cross River Structures Name of Equipment、DataCollectionFrequecy、DataSubmitted、DrainageStatus、EcologicalEnvironmentMonitoring、Elevation of Water Level Zero Point、English Address、EnglishName、EnglishRiverName、EquipmentStatus、EquipmentStatusOnCrossRiverStructures、The purpose of preventing floods、HighSedimentStatus、HydroFacilityManagement、Hydrological Monitoring Purpose、LightningStatus、Location Address、LocationByTWD67_XY、LocationByTWD97_XY、MaintainCycle、You have disabled Periodical Data Submission for an unknown reason.、NormalObservationType、Observation Items、ObservationReason、ObservationStatus、ObservatoryIdentifier、ObservatoryName、Observatory Replacement Status、OnSiteDataCollection、OtherRequirement、RealTimeDataDeliveryFrequency、RealTimeDataDeliveryFrequencyInFloodDefenceTime、Comments、RiverName、River Section Deposition And Erosion Change、SetDate、ShortObservationType、SolarPotentialDemage、SolarStatus、SolarWatt、StealStatus、StraightRiverStatus、SubsidenceStatus、SunLightCoverageStatus、SunshineStatus、The status of the tide、Transmission Equipment、VerticalDatumSource、Walk distance in hours、WaterDrawStatus、Water Resource District Identifier、Wireless Transmission Type
Resources download link
Contact person
李欣融 (02-37073085)
Update frequency
Every 1 hour
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-17 14:42
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Water levelStation condition
Authorization description URL: http://data.gov.tw/licenseAPI documentation compliant with OAS specifications: https://opendata.wra.gov.tw/openapi/api/OpenData/openapiSwagger-generated API documentation page URL: https://opendata.wra.gov.tw/openapi/swagger/index.html
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