Outpatient and pharmacological once again the same day heavy overlap rate - hypoglycemia (Western medical primary total indicators)
Source: Declaration data of medical service points at insurance medical service organizations.Numerator: Accumulated days of repeated medication of the same category of "antidiabetic drugs" for the same patient at different prescriptions within the same medical institution.Denominator: Accumulated days of medication cases for "antidiabetic drugs" prescriptions.Calculation formula: (Numerator / Denominator) x 100%
Data fields
Annual season、Business division unit、County/City、Medical institution code、Name of medical institution、Institutional indicators、Area business unit indicators、National index value
Contact person
陳綉琴 (02-27065866#3006)
Update frequency
Every March
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2024-12-13 09:17
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Medical qualityPrimary medical budgetLower blood sugarClinic of the same hospital
Authorization instructions URL: https://data.nhi.gov.tw/Banner/DevelopGuide.aspxAPI documentation for OAS standards: https://data.nhi.gov.tw/openapi.jsonThis dataset resource ID: A21030000I-E33009-001
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