"Interbank Remittance - Regional Distribution of Transactions (North/Central/South/East)" Structural Comparison Statistics (Monthly Report)
Provide the public with monthly statistics on interbank remittance transactions by region (Financial Information Company).
Data fields
Statistics period/Republic of China year and month、Northern region (unit: ten thousand records)、Northern structure ratio(unit:%)/ratio、Central Region (unit: ten thousand records)、Central structure ratio (unit: %) / ratio、Southern region (unit: ten thousand items)、Southern structure ratio (unit: %) / ratio、East (unit: ten thousand items)、East Region Structural Ratio (%)、Other regions (unit: ten thousand)、Structure comparison in other regions (unit: %)/ratio
Contact person
財小姐 (02-26307799)
Update frequency
Every January
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2025-02-03 10:48
Government statistics
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Government statisticsFinancial companyInterbank Transfer
Authorization statement URL: http://data.gov.tw/license
Related datasets
- Interbank Transfers - Transaction Value Statistics (Monthly Report)
- "Interbank Remittance - Trading Time Zone Distribution" structure compares statistics
- "Interbank Transfer-Historical Distribution of Transactions by City" Structural Comparative Statistics (Monthly Report)
- "Interbank Transfer - Distribution of Total Branches by County and City" Statistics
- "Interbank Transfer - Financial Institution Attributes (Local Bank/Foreign Bank/Cooperative/Credit Union)" Structural Ratio Statistics (Monthly Report)
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