Historical Land Parcel Area Publicized Land Current Value Statistics
The annual statistics for the number of land parcels and their area based on the announced land current value in various municipalities and counties/cities nationwide.
Data fields
City/County、2011 total number of land、2011_total_land_area、2011 the sum of Assessment of land value、2012 total number of land、2012 Total Land Area、2012 the sum of Assessment of land value、2013 total number of land、2013_total_land_area、2013 the sum of Assessment of land value、2014_total_number_of_land、2014 total land area、2014 the sum of Assessment of land value、2015 total number of land、2015 total land area、2015 the sum of assessment of land value、2016 total number of land、2016_total_land_area、2016_the_sum_of_Assessment_of_land_value、2017 total number of land、2017_total_land_area、2017 the sum of Assessment of land value、2018_total_number_of_land、2018_total_land_area、2018 the sum of Assessment of land value、2019_total_number_of_land、2019_total_land_area、2019_the_sum_of_Assessment_of_land_value、2020_total_number_of_land、2020 total land area、2020 the sum of Assessment of land value、2021 total number of land、2021_total_land_area、2021_the_sum_of_Assessment_of_land_value、2022_total_number_of_land、2022_total_land_area、2022_the_sum_of_Assessment_of_land_value、2023 total number of land、2023_total_land_area、2023_the_sum_of_Assessment_of_land_value
Resources download link
Contact person
廖天宇先生 (02-23565267)
Update frequency
Every year
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
System programming interface
Updated time
2025-01-23 15:50
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Number of land parcels and area announced current land value
Number 25070
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