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1. Provide the situation of various regular expenses for private universities and colleges.(1) Various regular expenses refer to personnel expenses (including retirement pensions and excess pensions), business expenses (excluding depreciation and amortization), depreciation and amortization, scholarship expenses, financial aids for disadvantaged and poor students, maintenance expenses for buildings and equipment, interest expenses, (losses from investments, funds, and affiliated institutions), other school expenses, and total.(2) Business expenses include various expenses required for handling general affairs in schools, including stationery, paper, printing, postal and telecommunication expenses, water and electricity expenses, freight, travel expenses, rent, insurance premiums, fuel, supplies, public relations, celebration benefits, research training, subsidies for further studies, and various other miscellaneous expenses.(3) Other school expenses are mainly the examination fees, short-term property transactions, miscellaneous expenses, and expenses for the attendance and transportation of the board of directors.(4) The data in this table are based on "thousands of New Taiwan Dollars" as the statistical unit.(5) Not available for the audited financial statements for the 105th academic year: Chinese Culture University, MingDao University. Not available for the audited financial statements for the 106th academic year: Chinese Culture University, MingDao University, Asia Pacific School Foundation, Asia Pacific Creativity and Technology Institute.2. The "Financial 2-7. Situation of various regular expenses for private schools - statistics by 'school'" data on the School Affairs Information Disclosure Platform for universities and colleges is the same.

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