Consolidated Income Tax Electronic Settlement Online Declaration Statistics (by Region)
Since 2016, statistics on the number and amount of tax payment, tax refund, and non-payment and non-refund based on different regions and different identity verification methods.
Data fields
Area、Certificate type、Number of taxpayers filing general comprehensive income tax return、Handle general comprehensive income tax filers pay tax amount (AH)、The number of taxpayers filing for basic income tax assessment on comprehensive income.、The amount of tax paid by the person who files a comprehensive income tax return (AM1).、Number of tax refund cases、Tax refund amount、Do not make up or refund the number of items、Total number
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Contact person
孟先生 (02-27631833#1321;02-27631833#2334)
Update frequency
Irregular updates
Open Government Data License, version 1.0
Publish date
Dataset type
Primary data
Updated time
2024-10-09 11:44
Government statistics
Service category
Dataset Category
Data archives
Statistics; comprehensive income tax; online filingGovernment statistics
Authorization Description Website:
Related datasets
- Income tax electronic settlement declaration statistics (by age)
- Consolidated Income Tax Electronic Settlement Online Reporting Form (by Week)
- Consolidated Income Tax Electronic Settlement Network Declaration Statistics Table - Standard Deduction and Itemized Deduction Statistics Table
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- The amount of new Taiwan dollars issued and the reserve situation each quarter
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