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Datagov Opendata Platform

One director, three deputy directors, and one chief secretary. There are currently 20 members, including the Minister of the Executive Yuan, the Secretary-General of the Executive Yuan, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Economic Affairs, the Minister of Transportation, the Minister of Labor, the Director of the Council of Agriculture of the Executive Yuan, the Minister of Health and Welfare, the Director of the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan, the Minister of Culture, the Director of the National Science and Technology Commission, the Chairperson of the Financial Supervisory Commission, the Chairperson of the Indigenous Peoples Commission, the Chairperson of the Hakka Affairs Council, the Director-General of the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, the Governor of the Central Bank, the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Education, the Director of the Public Construction Commission of the Executive Yuan, and the Minister of the National Development Council. The National Development Council sets up the Comprehensive Planning Division, the Economic Development Division, the Social Development Division, the Industrial Development Division, the Human Resources Development Division, the Land and Island Development Division, the Control and Evaluation Division, the Legal Coordination Division, the Secretariat, Personnel Office, Government Ethics Office, Accounting Office, Information Office, as well as the Parliament and Media Liaison Center, and the Task Forces office for the revitilization of Zhongxing New Village. There is also an affiliated institution, the Archives and Records Office of the National Development Council.

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