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Datagov Opendata Platform

Provide 100-year 1578 debris flow potential streams map (TWD67) shp download files, including ID (number), DEBRISNO (debris flow potential streams number), COUNTY01 (county/city), TOWN01 (township), VILL01 (village/neighborhood), NAME (name), MARK (landmark), ROADNAME (main road name), DW_NUMBER (conservation household number range), POTENTIAL (risk level), LENGTH (stream length), R_AREA (area), B15_AREA (B15 area), STRA_1 (geology), STRA_2 (rock type), MAPID (1/25000 map number), OWNER (management affiliation), TWPARK (national park affiliation), TWSCENIC (national scenic area affiliation), BASIN (watershed affiliation), SUB_BASIN (sub-watershed affiliation), NOTE01 (note 01), NOTE02 (note 02), ANNO (announcement), OLD (old potential stream number), COUNTYTOWN (full county/city township village name), CATEGORIES (category), DATETIME (date), LEN (length), and other fields.

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